So yesterday my husband and I decided to take our kids on a spur of the moment day trip to my in-laws. I had just gotten out of the of the hospital after having a asthama attack and figured some fresh are would do me good. Anways, my in laws live in Montcal County, Michigan, which just so happens to be a location where my own ancestors lived and died. They live about 20 minutes away from two of the cemeteries I visited yesterday. In the video I am going to post on this blog I am addressing how to look through a cemetery with little information to go on.
A little background story for the video. I have a brick wall when it comes to one of my 3x Great Grandmother's on my fathers side (in fact most of my Dad's side is one big brick wall). My 3x Great Grandmother's name was Rosetta McQueen Perrigo. I have very little infomation to go on when it comes to her, no birth cert, or baptismal records, no death cert, and only two census records I can confirm, my 2x Great Grandfathers birth cert, and her marriage record to my 3x Great Grandfather. One from the time she was married to my 3x Great Grandfather and one I found searching through census records based on the information I got off from her marriage cert and my 2x Great Grandfathers birth cert. Based on that I found her parents and siblings. The rest of my knowledge comes from oral history passed down.
The story goes that she was travelling home from town with my 2x Great Grandpa who was a infant/toddler in a cart and took a road with a bridge over the river. It was storming and a flash flood wiped the bridge out while she was on it. While the bridge was buckling she tossed my 2x Great Grandpa out onto an embankment and she was taken away.
Given that knowledge there may have never been a body found and if there was she may not have been able to be identified etc.
This is my video from my adventure to the Trufant Cemetery in Michigan. I hope you find it informative.
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